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Joking Hazard:
For the Judge's Reject

Creator— 2020— Unity

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Joking Hazard: For the Judge's Reject was an attempt at hybridizing board/card games and video game interfaces. We only had a one month deadline which provided some interesting scope decisions. Because of this, we decided to go for a heavily UI-focused gameplay experience. 

Title Screen.PNG

With over 30,000 downloads, we had a decent sample size of feedback to reflect on design and engineering choices. One of the biggest things I learned was the incredibly quick learning-to-mastery time required to succeed on the app store.

Also, taking more time in pre-production to create a more efficient base architecture to support possible expansions and features without significant backtracking.

Card field showcase.jpg

The goal of the game is to provide a creative hand to the judge to play alongside the popular party game. Usually, in party games, the judge chooses a random card that everyone has to play off. In our rendition, we aimed at making the judge a more original source to start the material, perfect for including inside jokes, people-specific humor, and more!

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