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Technical Gameplay and Systems Designer

- Unreal Engine 5

- C++ and Blueprints

- Excel Systems foundation

- 9-month Production Cycle

- 2-week agile sprint model

Systems Design

Slime Knight System Tools and Foundation

I was in charge of all the systems driving Slime Knight's combat, progression system, player and enemy stats, and difficulty scaling. I created a sandbox environment in Excel alongside multiple projection curves of the formulas I created for the aforementioned models.


The sandbox takes in inputs of player and enemy levels and outputs their respective stats. We also have a formula that calculates the enemy level derived from the player level that can be used for average data projections and is helpful for difficulty scaling. On the right side, the tool shows basic combat data calculations including hits to kill and experience yield from that specific enemy build that was used for balancing progression.

I created all the formulas used in Slime Knight and recorded them in a ledger within the Slime Knight system tool. This way everybody had access and could see exactly what each function in-engine does.


The graphs above shows the projection curve of how much experience the player gets from kills vs. how many kills they need to level up. I use an exponential model for ease of difficulty in the beginning and an increasingly challenging experience towards the end. I cross reference this with a logarithmic trend line in order to see where the two lines overlap, indicating diminishing returns. Our game aimed for a difficulty cap at around level 50, and the model overlaps at 65. Not perfect, but this means the game is easier than we intended, which upon my reflection is a good mistake to make if one were to be made.

The charts below are the data set used in the projection graphs above

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